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10 Facts You Didn't Know about Geronimo

February 19, 2023

10 Facts You Didn't Know about Geronimo


Geronimo Posing with a rifle
Geronimo was a Native American Leader of the Chiricahua Apache. He was born in present-day Sonora Mexico in 1829 and lived a pretty eventful life.


While Geronimo is certainly a fascinating figure, there are some aspects of his life that are less well-known. Here are 10 facts you probably didn't know about Geronimo:

Geronimo Portrait

  1. His birth name was Goyahkla, which means "one who yawns." 
  1. Although he was only 5'5", Geronimo was an excellent wrestler and was known for being incredibly strong.

Geronimo with his warriors

  1. During his lifetime, Geronimo had nine wives and fathered seven children. 
  1. He fought both the Mexican and American governments.
  1. In addition to being a fierce warrior, Geronimo was also known for his compassion and generosity. He frequently helped others, even if they were not members of his tribe. 

Geronimo riding a car

  1. After he surrendered to the Americans, Geronimo agreed to live on a reservation in Oklahoma. However, he became homesick and eventually escaped back to his homeland in Arizona. 
  1. He continued to fight against the Americans until 1886 when he finally surrendered for good. He spent the last years of his life as a prisoner of war at Fort Sill in Oklahoma where he died of pneumonia in 1909. 
  1. Since the movie Geronimo in 1939, U.S. Army paratroopers have yelled "Geronimo" when they jump out of planes to show that they aren't afraid.

Members of the Skull and Bones 

  1. The Skull and Bones, a prestigious Yale secret society, is said to have stolen Geronimo's skull. This included Prescott Bush, the father and grandfather of future presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, who would eventually become members themselves.
  1. Although there are many myths and legends about him, very little is actually known about Geronimo's early life because there are no written records from that time period.



Geronimo in his later years

Geronimo was a very interesting person in American history.

He had a very eventful life. He is most famous for his military skills, but there are many other things about him that are interesting too.

Geronimo had a very interesting life from when he was young to when he became famous later on.


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